Ali Dirul
CEO of Ryter Cooperatives

Ali Dirul is the co-founder of Ryter Cooperative Industries (RCI), a project management firm that specializes in implementing renewable energy solutions.

Ali Dirul is the co-founder of Ryter Cooperative Industries (RCI), a project management firm that specializes in implementing renewable energy solutions.

About Ali Dirul

Ali Dirul is a clean energy visionary, innovator, and local leader in the city of Detroit, advancing sustainability in communities through clean energy deployment. With a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Physics from the University of Detroit-Mercy and a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Alternative Energy Systems from Oakland University, Ali has raised RCI to become a leader in community clean energy innovation, specializing in Battery Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and distributed solar solutions. This leadership has been awarded such recognition as The Green America People and Planet Award for Clean Energy 2017, Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council – Business of the Year 2022, and a Special Tribute from the Governor of Michigan for RCI’s work to positively impact the lives of Michiganders through solar and clean energy education.